TexPlus EU Green Week Meet-Up

Unravelling the role of Circular Textiles in a Zero Pollution Europe

Evenement details

Wanneer: 3 juni 2021
Tijd: 12:00 - 13:00
Organisator: TexPlus Foundation And The Province Of Overijssel
Locatie: Online evenement

Global Goal

global goal icon

On Thursday June 3rd, during the EU Green Week 2021, the TexPlus Foundation and the Province of Overijssel will host a meet-up to discuss the state of play of the circular textile chain in Europe, and look ahead to the upcoming European Textile Strategy. TexPlus will provide an update on its best-practice programme to close the loop in textile-to-textile recycling in a regional full ecosystem for post-consumer textiles, and engage with stakeholders from all over Europe to discuss the necessary conditions to accelerate the transition to a fully circular chain and contribute to the ambitions for zero pollution of water, air and soil.

The meeting lasts from 12:00 - 13:00 and is free to attend. You can register on this page. You will then receive updates about the program and a URL to participate in the meeting on 3 June at the email address you entered.

Lees meer over: #textiel