Internship or Graduation assignment

Inverid is seeking an candidate for the Internship or Graduation assignment. Please check the vacancy for more information.

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Vacature details

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If you are looking for an interesting and fulfilling internship or graduation assignment in the field of technology then consider Inverid. Not only do we provide a supportive environment filled with experts, but after graduation there is a good chance that you can continue to work with us! We offer graduation positions in areas such as security, (technical) business administration, industrial design, computer science, business information technology, and more. It is important that you have a solid background in computer science in order to get the most out of your time with us.

Our colleagues are of over 17 different nationalities, meaning we work in English universally and are more than happy to welcome exchange students to Team Inverid. Best of all, you can work with experts in various fields surrounding identity verification to create a thesis project that's right for you.

Please contact us to discuss available projects, including Machine Learning, Data Science, and more. Some examples of previous projects are:

  • Optimisation of QR codes, error recognition
  • GPU optimisation for image processing
  • Automated discovery of elements on ID documents, e.g. CAN number, security features, etc.
  • Device antenna location prediction
  • Inverid is a participant in the TalentIT program to help students graduate debt-free and create work experience.


  • You will be part of highly skilled team of researchers, consultants, developers, architects, UX designers and more in a pleasant working atmosphere
  • The option to eat lunch or walk together and social activities after work 
  • Interact with colleagues from over 13 different countries in English
  • Collaboration is at the heart of our work
  • You will have the possibility to join intern knowledge sessions
  • A good internship payment

Bedrijfsprofiel Inverid

InnoValor Ons dagelijks leven speelt zich af in een genetwerkte samenleving. Consumenten communiceren steeds meer digitaal met dienstverleners, de Nederlandse overheid wordt een i-overheid en samenwerkingsketens tussen organisaties worden steeds verregaander gedigitaliseerd. De netwerksamenleving biedt kansen, niet alleen bedreigingen. Kansen voor nieuwe business modellen, kansen voor betere dienstverlening en kansen voor kostenbesparing. Organisaties moeten innoveren om deze kansen te pakken. InnoValor adviseert organisaties hoe ICT-gerelateerde innovaties te realiseren. Hierbij kiezen wij voor een onderzoeksgebaseerde aanpak: research-based advice. Dit research-based zit niet alleen in onze aanpak, maar ook in onze mensen die academisch geschoold zijn, vaak ook gepromoveerd. Om voorop te blijven lopen participeren wij structureel in onderzoeksprojecten met kennisinstellingen en andere innovatie organisaties. Goed advies vereist inhoudelijke expertise en domeinkennis. Onze focus is op wat wij essentieel vinden om ICT gedreven innovaties van waarde te laten zijn: digitaal vertrouwen, robuuste business modellen, wendbaarheid en innovatiemanagement. Onze expertise laten we werken voor de overheid, de financiƫle sector, zorg en service providers.


By clicking the application button, you will be navigated to the website of Inverid. In case the link is not working anymore, the vacancy has expired and you will no longer be able to apply. We try to keep our job database as up-to-date as possible, we would very much appreciate it if you could let us know in case a link is not working? You can do this by sending an e-mail to 

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Meer informatie

Ariƫnsplein 1,
7511 JX Enschede
053 - 4878 178