Melissa from Asito

Asito is convinced that everyone is talented. However, not everyone knows what their talents are. The cleaning organisation from Almelo, therefore, has two talent managers and several coaches who help employees with career issues. They help employees discover their talents so that employees can do what makes them happy. The 28-year-old Melissa Oude Steenhof is one of the many happy people working at Asito.

In short

  • Everyone is talented in a unique way, according to Asito. Through talent management, Asito wants to recognise, stimulate and further develop everyone's talent
  • The career week (in Dutch: Week van de Loopbaan) is the reason to write about Asito’s talent program.
  • Melissa Oude Steenhof is one of the many talented people working at Asito and has already built a great career.

Global Goal

global goal icon
For how long have you been working at Asito?

“Twelve years ago, I started at Asito as a holiday worker at ZGT Almelo. After that, I continued working in the weekends.”

How and where did your career start?

“While I was working as a cleaning employee at Asito, I started studying Facility Management. My then Project Leader promised to be my first employer after my studies, and so it happened. As a 21-year-old, I coached and guided a team of twenty-five ladies.”


In the years that followed, I held various positions within Asito. At the age of 23, I moved to Amsterdam to work as an Object Leader at VUmc Amsterdam before I was given responsibility for several healthcare institutions at the Veluwe. The last position in the west was that of Project Leader, after I had participated in a tender process for a large project in Noord-Holland.


After two years, I decided to return to the east, to my loved one and my family. Coincidentally, a vacancy opened as Care Branch Manager for Central and Eastern Netherlands. I received this position.”

What makes your job fun?

“What makes working at Asito and in these different functions so enjoyable are the different areas of result achievement and running a branch. Every day is different. The one moment I focus on finances and operations and the other moment I pay attention to the connection and guidance of my team and customers.”

What is your talent?

“I am a people person (people manager). I’m easy to contact and listen well, which makes people feel at ease with me. At Asito, we believe it is important that employees feel proud and valued. I keep looking for what gives people energy and what their talent is, to together find out how we can implement this in practice.”

When are you in your element?

“I am in my element when the work gives me energy. This can be caused by various things. For example, a nice conversation with a client about extension or the provision of new services, sparring with object leaders about their development and talents, doing great things for the client and for our colleagues, and financially ending the month well with the team. Especially working with people and the team makes my work very enjoyable.”

Why are you indispensable to Asito?

“I do not think I am indispensable for Asito, but I do think that I am a good addition to the organisation, in addition to my colleagues of course, through the experience I have built up within the organisation and my personal development.”

What is Asito's talent?

“Asito is an organisation that tries to empower people and learns to connect. We act as a knowledge partner in sustainability and inclusiveness with a focus on people. Think of helping people who are at a distance from the labour market to return to society, cooperation with the career office (in Dutch: loopbaanstation) and connecting different cultures at the National Integration Dinner.”

How do you envision the future?

“Five years ago, I never thought I'd be where I am now. I am excited about my current role. Therefore, I don’t look ahead too far. My heart will remain with the care industry and attention for people, though.”

Date: 18 September 2019 |

Source of tekst: Asito |
