Navigating your way to a career in Twente

If you're looking to work in Twente, you probably also want to live there. This page is here to help you get oriented. Whether you're searching for a part-time job, an internship, or an organization that aligns with your goals, we've got you covered. You'll also find information about living, leisure and personal development in the region. You'll find all the information you need to find your way (and your job) in Twente. From paid positions to internships and traineeships, from entrepreneurship to employment and employer opportunities, all the possibilities that working and doing business in Twente offer. In addition to searching and orienting yourself, you can also be smartly matched to all Twente job opportunities. Click on the red bar below to do so.

Get smartly matched for vacancies, side jobs, etc: click here

Come live and work in Twente

In addition to a nice life, there is also plenty to do in Twente. That's right, you will find nice challenging jobs here at inspiring employers. Check out the vacancies: from manufacturing industry and care to creative and high-tech jobs. But there's more. Because fun at work is important, but so are social contacts! Twente therefore has a very active and involved club life and Noabership is of paramount importance here. And let's face it: where can you live better than in Twente? The fairytale bocage landscape invites you to go outside every day. Get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Back to nature! And not unimportant: people feel safe here and enjoy living here. And that explains all those nice vacancies in Twente. Because happy people stimulate economic growth.

What are you waiting for? View the vacancies and find your dream job in Twente!

Working in Twente

Via ‘Working in Twente’ visit our job bank. Here you will find all the vacancies that companies in Twente have to offer. From full-time and part-time jobs, to internships, traineeships and voluntary work. Or are you looking for a graduation assignment, a project or a part-time job? You can also smartly filter the vacancies, for example by education level, sector or organization that you prefer. Just check it out at your leisure. Your job is stuck!

Tip: also look for an organization that suits you. You can also filter by location, size, field of expertise and how they contribute to a better world.

A fantastic choice to live in Twente. Here you will find information about renting and buying homes. Or do you first want to see which environment suits you? Read how others experience life in Twente and discover the villages and towns. Be welcome!

Free time
What to do in Twente? Well, we can tell you quite a lot. Discover here the most beautiful places, the sports clubs, the cozy terraces and much more!

Develop yourself
This part will lead you to a guide with all the practical information there is to know about living and working in Twente. This guide is made by the Expad Center and has information about Formalities, Finance & Taxation, Housing & Living, Work & Transportation & Everyday Life and so on. Feel free to download this guide and use it well.