Smart Solutions Saxion designs space that pleases Aveleijn's clients

Sometimes a puzzle fits together so well that you can no longer distinguish the individual pieces from each other. The collaboration between employees and clients of care organisation Aveleijn, and students of the Saxion University of Applied Sciences, produced such a work of art. They have developed an interactive experience concept for open spaces from different locations of Aveleijn. It is not just falling 'in love with your house again' with a new sofa, different colour paints, and accessories. Instead, clients can relax, move and experience something

In het kort

  • The large and wide corridor on location De Wielewaal van Aveleijn gets a beautiful and innovative makeover. 
  • Students of Saxion created an experiential concept for the elderly at this location. 
  • A beautiful project for the students and a wonderful outcome for Aveleijn and the residents.

Global Goal

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For employees on location De Wielewaal in Enschede, where older clients with intellectual disabilities live, the large wide corridor at their location was an eyesore. They removed a partition wall on the corridor so that there was more space to move bedridden people from their apartment. This change did not benefit the acoustics. It was difficult for some clients to recognise their front door because everything was so similar. 'How can you use this space innovatively so that it contributes to the well-being of clients?' Aveleijn questioned. With the experiential concept, the acoustics are good. Clients can find peace through natural images and in special chairs, but can also experience anything through 'miracle phones' and other interactive applications.

Seeing people shine

"The concept and the interior are exquisite", says innovation manager Evelien rounds. "At our location, as well as one in Losser, an excellent test set-up has now been installed." She explains that the employees see clients beaming and hearing them sing along when they pick up the miracle phone and get a twinkle in their eyes when they discover something beautiful or fun in the test set-up. "Clients love to take part in the design and testing phase. Exactly what we wanted," she says. "Together with the clients and students develop and try out a concept. It's great how the students have just about fulfilled all the wishes of our staff and the clients.

Surprising outcomes

Aveleijn works more often with the university. Students can gain practical experience, and the care organisation can use different Saxion disciplines." Of course, we think from the 'healthcare' side, but we have now worked with technology and design students, among others. Then you get a very broad 

view of things and surprising outcomes that have made everyone happy." In the design and testing, the students, employees and clients work together. The first group of students created the concept and the second group is now testing, developing and scaling." 

Rondhuis also points out that she saw that the students and the clients were curiout about each other during this project. "It's nice to see groups coming into contact with each other where otherwise it wouldn't have happened quickly. The energy and interaction were obvious."

Helping other organisations

"We went for an experience-oriented concept that went beyond just products or furniture for a location. We want to apply it to multiple locations. We also share our experiences with other healthcare organisations that are interested. It fits seamless in our vision: we want to provide a healthy environment that feels like home to clients and stimulates their independence. A good example of how we do this: clients can find peace in an acoustic chair or play with music or an interactive game within an aligned interior.

More direction and peace

The students show that they have gone through an entire process to come to the plan. The nature films and the images of nature on the walls, for example, are not just chosen. Research has shown that people become calm from these kinds of images and that aggression, fear and tension decrease. By interviewing the employees and clients, by looking at what is (technically) possible to improve the acoustics and using calm colours and care furniture, they came to the solution for 'the wide cold corridor'. 


"The students have shown a fresh perspective. The result surprised us very positively, and we think that many more of Aveleijn's clients can benefit from this."

Contact information

Grotestraat 260, 7622 GW Borne 074-2556600

Global Goals

Date: 22 December 2020 |

Author: Maaike Thüss