Evidencio makes accurate medical predictions

When you are given a diagnosis at the doctor or medical specialist it is probable that a lot of questions arise. Many of those questions are answered based on ‘general expectations’ that fit a certain image of the disease. But, being a patient, you would rather know how your personal disease and recovery will go. With the recent launch of Evidencio’s online database, specialists can view a large number of models with which they can make an accurate prediction for the patient.

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Off the shelves towards an interactive tool

Evidencio’s team from Haaksbergen was founded by three medical residents and IT-entrepreneur Rob Mentink, when they were matched by Oost NV. One of the residents developed a predictive model during his PhD and was frustrated to see that nothing was done with the information. And that’s often how it goes; thousands of models are developed in the medical world based on research result, and they end up somewhere on the shelves. “It’s a shame”, says Rob, “because based on those models, medical professionals can make more accurate predictions. Imagine that a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer and the specialist has to decide what the chances are of a successful surgery. Of course, there is a lot of information and research available, with general expectations and predictions. But there are also models that are based on specific research within a specific target group. It could be, for example,that a patient with his or her specific medical question can be served by a model that can offer the patient a detailed prediction. The interactive model on Evidencio.com will ask the specialist for the specific values of the patient and will provide a prediction based on that. Model X might have been lying around somewhere in a hospital in Finland and wasn’t available. It often happens because it misses a rendition; there are descriptions of the models but the interactive tools are lacking. With Evidencio, these predictive models will now find their way from and to medical professionals across the globe.”

A unique platform

The predictive models can be added by researchers and specialist and will be rated in theform of a number of start, bases on accepted quality characteristics. The platform can also be integrated by third parties into their own website.  The Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group is an example of one such party. Rob hopes that Evidencio will soon also become an international success but testing will be done in Twente and the Netherlands for now. “our purpose in the integration with the electronic patient file that is kept on every patient. Evidencio is already being tested within ZGT and  MST and medical specialists are enthusiastic about its features. Several of them do use different apps with models but it remains difficult to control their quality. In addition, Evidencio also is the sole group that offers an overview of all internationally available models. It’s great to see so many people responding enthusiastically, as an entrepreneur, that’s how you know you’re working on something special!”


Read more about Evidencio here! 


Date: 19 July 2017 |

Source of tekst: Roessingh |

Author: Twente.com