Global Goal 13: Climate action

Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives, costing people, communities and countries dearly today and even more tomorrow. People experience the significant effects of climate change, such as changing weather patterns, rising sea levels and more extreme weather conditions. Every country on every continent is affected by climate change.  

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In short

  • Urgent action is needed to combat climate change and its effects
  • We must reduce our CO2 emissions and our water footprint


Global Goal

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Urgent action to curb climate change

Climate change is mainly caused by human activities and their greenhouse gas emissions, and these emissions continue to rise. Currently, more greenhouse gases are emitted than ever before.

Affordable and scalable

Without action, the world’s average surface temperature is likely to surpass 3 degrees centigrade this century. Some parts of the world may even see higher increases. The poorest and most vulnerable people are being affected the most. Affordable, scalable solutions are now available to enable countries to leapfrog to cleaner, more resilient economies. The pace of change is quickening as more people are turning to renewable energy and a range of other measures that will reduce emissions and increase adaptation efforts. Climate change, however, is a global challenge that does not respect national borders. It is an issue that requires solutions that need to be coordinated at the international level to help developing countries move toward a low-carbon economy.

Most vulnerable

Global warming is already affecting the daily lives and income of millions of people worldwide. In the future, more and more people will be affected. Those that are already poor and thus most vulnerable will be faced with the consequences first. They are often dependent on agriculture in areas that are sensitive to extreme conditions. Greenhouse gases must be considerably reduced and fossil energy sources must be replaced by renewable energy. It is vital that developing countries can take measures to guard against the effects of climate change.

In short:
  • climate change is a global challenge;
  • all countries on all continents are affected;
  • people experience the consequences of climate change;
  • rising greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change;
  • the poorest and most vulnerable are affected first;
  • coordinated solutions require international cooperation;
  • affordable and scalable solutions;
  • make the economies of countries cleaner and more flexible;
  • reduce emissions;
  • stimulate willingness to adapt;
  • move towards an economy with low CO2 emissions.