Twente is the green technological top region on the eastern border of the Netherlands. The entire Twente region has a population of 634,000 inhabitans, of which more than 330,000 people live in the three major cities of Twente: Enschede, Hengelo and Almelo.
Twente region
Enschede, Hengelo and Almelo
Since 1958, Twente has been the region that is part of the very first Euroregion on the border of the Netherlands and Germany. Working cross-border has become our second nature. With a long industrial history in textiles and machinery, Twente has transformed into a stronghold of innovation. With a leading technical university and several universities of applied sciences, it is a region of talent and knowledge.
Dutch German Tech.Land
The area’s knowledge institutions bring forward many frontrunning companies. Strong clusters in photonics, batteries, advanced manufacturing and circular textiles have been built in Twente. We are now taking the next step, to connect these clusters with our German partners across the border. Twente is a proud member of the Dutch German Tech.Land, a European cross border region where innovation thrives and international talent feels at home.
Twente’s location at the intersection of several (inter)national corridors offers great opportunities. Within a strong cross-border cooperation with the German cities of Münster and Osnabrück, we are committed to a sustainable and smart mobility system. Our ambition is build it into a no-border cooperation, in which the border’s obstacles become an asset.
Double Triple Helix alliance
We do this as part of a strong Double Triple Helix alliance, with which we work together to develop the Green Technological Top Region of Twente. Together we constitute a metropolitan agglomeration in ‘the middle of Europe’ with a unique high-tech and innovative infrastructure, connected to the rest of Europe. With a leading international university and strong innovation clusters, which also have space for greenery, leisure and the handling of water.

Triple Helix
The cities of Twente are important urban and logistical nodes in the European mobility network, located on the North Sea Baltic Corridor. We are working on better (rail) connections between Zwolle - Twente - Münster and Amsterdam - Berlin within the European Ten-T network. In the centre of these connections are the ‘Spoorzones’, where mobility and sustainable urbanization come together in a new spatial and social development of Twente.
We are using innovation to realize the energy transition. Twente is the home of energy innovations, including a cross-border battery cluster and hydrogen hub. With an integrated district approach we’re renovating our housing stock to tackle energy poverty and accelerate the transition.
As frontrunners in adaption to climate change, we are constantly looking for new ways to tackle urban heating, maintain a sustainable water balance and work on urban greening. With the city of Münster we work on shared issues in water management.
Contact details
European Liaison Officer
Bart Molenkamp
Enschede, Hengelo and Almelo are members of Twente Board, the Triple Helix cooperation in the Twente region. Urban cross-border cooperation converges in MONT, a consultative body in which the three cities cooperate as Netwerkstad Twente with Münster and Osnabrück.
Knowledge Institutes
- On the Dutch side of the border: University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, ROC van Twente and AKI ArtEZ.
- On the German side of the border: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Universität Osnabrück and Fachhochschule Münster.
Innovation Districts
- Kennispark Twente
- Technology Base
- Twente High Tech Systems Park
- XL Business Park
- The Green Box