ROC van Twente

ROC van Twente, from entrepreneurial Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede in Twente, is a high-quality educational organisation that trains students for broad and diverse work fields. It also offers further education in intermediate vocational education (mbo) and higher vocational education (hbo). It is closely linked to our increasingly dynamic society and the robust manufacturing industry in and outside of Twente by being a knowledge institution that is curious, connecting and inspiring.

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Studying for the future

ROC van Twente is, as a social enterprise, strongly focused on external partnerships. The knowledge institution is also closely involved in the daily practice of numerous industries,  sectors and social organisation because the responsibility for the development and implementation of education lies with the teaching staff of each college.

Looking for talents, together

The time in which people were ‘done’ learning after they obtained an intermediate vocational diploma is (far) behind us. Developments and changes in industries and sectors happen faster and faster. Continued education after graduation is a requirement. Students are more motivated to keep learning if it is in line with what they are good at. In other words, the diverse student population of ROC van Twente offers a wide range of skilled and knowledgeable talent. 

Lifelong development

Lifelong learning does mean that people must remain curious throughout their lives. ROC van Twente makes students aware of this during their education. For the future. By fully linking education to Twente’s society, Twente’s manufacturing industry will be kept aware of the investments in the knowledge and skills of – future – employees.

High graduation rates

ROC van Twente’s graduation rate is high, student satisfaction keeps rising, the number of drop-outs continues to fall, and the quality of education remains high. At the same time, this knowledge institution has the ambition to keep improving on the path it has taken by further strengthening practice-oriented education. In particular for the growing manufacturing industry, which, with the robotisation of Industry 4.0 and the far-reaching digitalisation of the ‘Internet of Things’, is looking for a significant number of future-proof colleagues.

Strategic directions for the future

ROC van Twente has three central ambitions in the coming years: lifelong curiosity for the educational institution and its students, closely linking their education to Twente’s society and being an organisation that inspires both its students and its employees. A high-quality learning process is pursued for a large, heterogeneous group of students. On the other hand, this process does require active involvement from each and every student. That is how ROC van Twente offers education paths from vmbo to hbo, provides attractive and activating education, and guides students with customised care.

ROC van Twente is a place for intermediate vocational education and adult education in Twente. Whether you are a student, an inspirer or a connector, ROC van Twente offers education and careers with Twente hospitality at