FBK Businessclub

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Besides their financial support for the FBK-Games, FBK Businessclub also offers a platform for mutual business-to-business contacts and contact with other organisations and business clubs in and outside Twente. The participants have very different profiles, with companies and organisations from the property sector, manufacturing industry, healthcare, services, hospitality, non-profit and governments.

Meaningful for society

FBK Businessclub was founded in close connection to the FBK Games and the FBK Challenge, the annual international athletics competition held at the FBK Stadium in Hengelo. The business club attends the FBK Games every year. They organise a monthly programme of activities for numerous renowned companies and relevant social organisations inextricably linked to Twente’s society.

Building relationships and doing business

For FBK Businessclub, the focus of the interactive meetings is meeting the person behind the entrepreneur or manager. By doing this, they form a close network of large and small entrepreneurs. It is not the size of their companies that binds these entrepreneurs and managers together; it is their motivation. Partners are also welcome at the business club so that personal meetings and business opportunities can be combined. This increases loyalty and mutual bonding even more. Solidarity within the FBK Businessclub is excellent because of it. Knowing each other and wanting the other to succeed has proven to be an essential asset.

Network partners

FBK Businessclub works on a sustainable future together with other network organisations such as Industriële Kring Twente (Industrial Circle Twente, IKT) in Hengelo.

FBK Businessclub’s goal

For companies, services and the non-profit sector. The goal is to create a financial basis for the athletic event organisation of the FBK-Games and improve the business activities between members.