Global Goal 16: Peace and justice

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Among the institutions most affected by corruption are the judiciary and police. National regulatory bodies must be strengthened to fight undermining and promote peaceful, inclusive societies.

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In short

Global Goal

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Encourage solidarity and inclusive societies

Society suffers from corruption, bribery, theft, tax evasion and other undermining. The missed income cannot be used to, for example, improve the livelihood of people in poverty.

Education as an indicator

The primary school completion percentage in areas of conflict is a clear indicator of the impact of an unstable society on education. Legal order and development go hand in hand and reinforce each other. They are essential for the development of a sustainable society, both on national and international level. 

Sustainable development

National supervisory institutions such as courts of auditors and regulatory authorities must be strengthened. Evaluation and control frameworks, regulations and incentive structures that make investment possible must be adjusted to attract more investments and to stimulate sustainable development. Above all, peaceful and inclusive societies must be promoted, in which equal access to justice is ensured for all and effective, accountable and transparent institutions are developed at all levels.

Undermining, violence and corruption

Undermining costs money that can be used effectively to fight poverty or to get children to go to school. Development is reinforced by peace, security and justice, but also leads to the reinforcement of the latter. All forms of violence must be significantly reduced by 2030, in particular, violence against children. Children still endure exploitation, abuse and human trafficking daily. Corruption must be reduced, as must the illegal arms trade. At the same time, legal systems need to be strengthened and improved at national and international level. Information must become more transparent and fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of expression, must be better protected.

In short:

  • promote peaceful and inclusive societies;
  • access to justice for all;
  • set up effective, accountable institutions at all levels;
  • use allocated money reduce poverty;
  • stabilise education in communities;
  • keep children in school;
  • strengthen the cooperation between legal order and development;
  • essential for sustainable development.